
Scribes of Holy Prophet(s)

 (Sir Muzzamil General Note and Farkhanda)

Scribes of Holy Prophet(s)

  • Scribes of the Holy Prophet(s) were the closest companions. They not only kept the record of the revalationbut also wrote letters and treaties as commanded by Holy prophet(s). They were the four rightly guided caliphs i.e Abubakar,Umar,Uthman and His(s)'s Cousin H.Ali who accompanied Holy prophet(s) from childhood and was a memorizer of Quran. He wrote the Treaty of al-Hudaibiyah
  • The best known amongst the scribes was Zaid bin Thabit who was appointed by Holy Prophet(s)as a scribe after migration to madinahand wrote down the major part of the Quran' and later worked for it's compilation.Abdullah bin masood was one of the earliest companions and was the first one to recite the Quran loudly near the Kaaba.The Prophet(s) said"If anyone likes to recite the Quran as fresh as it had descended then he must recite on the reading of Abdullah ibn Masood".They also included Khalid ibn-al waleed, Ubbay ibn al Kaab e.t.c
  •  None of these scribes made any addition or ommision in the divine revelation except Abdullah Ibn Saad Ibn Abi Sarah who incurred the displeasure of the holy prophet(s) by making changes in the divine revelations. He was nearly executed at the time of Conquest of makka. There was always a Scribe on hand to write down the revelation or to insert new ones as ordered by Prophet(s).Recieved by Prophet under the divine guidance through angel jibrael from 622-632 Ad.This is mentioned in Quran,
  • "(written by) the hands of scribes,honourable,pious and just" (80:15-16)
  • The scribes of the holy prophet(s) assistted him as He could not Read or write.The prophet(s) dictated the revelations recieved by him from time to time and then asked his companions to read out loud what they had written in order to ensure accuracy.They wrote them down in portions on various material includinganimal skins, shoulder bones of camels , palm leaves, stone tablets and pieces of wood etc. it was a practice of the prophet(s) to recite the quran loudly every ramadan in every year, so that the scribes could check their written material for any is also said that at the time of the death of holy prophey s there wer at least 15 copies of Quran but not in compiled form.


  1. need more appropriate content .

    1. Yaar you donot just focus on this site do more research to get an appropriate content

    2. Yaar do more research to get the appropriate content

  2. Was really helpful thanks continue these types of work

  3. you should write about scribes according to the question of cambridge have randomly chosen paragraphs form farkhanda noor's book and sir muzamil's first paragraph you have wrote about the role played by scribes of revelations during prophet muhammad(p.b.u.h)'s life....but then you have wrote about the lives of 2 scribes form first islamic community,which means irrelevant detail has been given and less marks will be awarded according to the cie marking scheme.You should make sure that you dont mix up the services of the scribes during prohet(p.b.u.h)'s life and the role played by scribes of revelations during prophet(p.b.u.h)'s life because these two are totally different questions

    1. you are absolutely right BRO

    2. You could use Iftikhar_ul_haq notes it has everything in it

    3. Add appropriate content

  4. should make sure that you do not mix up the services of the scribes(which includes scribes from makkah and madinah)not just 2 scribes

  5. its not so appropriate to the content i was finding

  6. Use full content

  7. its not according to the Cambridge requirement and it has a lot of irrelevant content
